
新时代科学正确的民族教育观 被引量:13

Discussion about the Correct and Scientific National Education View in the New Era
摘要 民族教育观是在民族教育实践中形成的对民族教育活动本质的理性确认,它指导并影响着民族教育实践活动的根本价值与迈进方向。新的时代背景,渴求科学正确的民族教育观。从本质上看,新时代科学正确的民族教育观是一种大教育观、大发展观、大团结观和大文化观。树立新时代科学正确的民族教育观,必须坚持以马克思主义为指导,从“以文化人”的视角出发,坚持民族文化传承与更新相统整、双重语言和双重文化相统整、“民族性”和“国家性”相统整的原则,以多向度的理路来保障新时代科学正确民族教育观的实践运行。 The view of national education refers to people’s fundamental perspectives on the concept of "national education"and the relationship between the national education and other education forms.As a value guidance,the view of national education greatly influences the progressive direction of national education practice.It can be depicted that a scientific correctness of the national education view determines success or failure of the whole national education in China,as well as the prosperity and stability of the ethnic issues and the long-term stability of the whole nation.However,as a kind of subjective value,the view of national education will always be different due to the different positions and perspectives of social subjects.Therefore,it is necessary to think beforehand on the view of national education by the correction of bias,try to avoid misunderstandings,unify the consensus and gather strength,and deepen the understand of the essence and strengthen the control of the national education laws.The author puts forward the concept of "the view of scientific and correct national education"to provide a theoretical guidance for promoting the development of national education.There are five aspects of the scientific view on national education in the new era will be discussed in the following text:values of time,fundamental connotations,guiding ideologies,principles of education philosophy,and line of theory and practice.Firstly,In the face of the great changes in Chinese society,national education also faces new problems and challenges.Thus,we must advance the view of national education move with the time and endow the values of time on the view of national education,The time values of the scientific view on national education embody in following themes:the first one is the scientific view of national education relating to the guiding authority of Marxism;the second one is the scientific view of national education relating to the developing theory and practice of national education;the third one is the scientific view of national education relating to the future and the trend of ethnic groups;the last one is the scientific national education relating to the success of socialistic modernization in China.Secondly,the fundamental connotations of the view of national education base on the understanding of the essence of the national education.Fundamentally,the national education is a kind of social practice through bilingual education,and base on the national unity and integration to make sure the development both in nation range and ethnic areas.The author sees the view of national education as "a big education idea","a big development concept","a big concept of unity",and"agreat view of culture".Thirdly,over the past 60 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,we can see that we should unswervingly follow the socialist path with Chinese characteristics in order to solve the national education issues and promote the development of minority of education.As for the guiding ideologies of the scientific view on national education,the author believes that the scientific and correct view on national education must under the complying principle of Marxism,facing up to the ever-changing controversy of the national education,constructing an increasinglycomplete theoretical system,and promoting the development of national education on the basis of the elimination of the national education issues.Fourthly,the national education is the practical activity accelerating the nationalization and modernization of individual with the characteristic of their community.To adhere to the scientific and correct view of national education,it is necessary to unify the elements of antagonism and deviation in the national education,and find the balance among the elements in the dynamic,and form the complementary and mutually reinforcing relationship of "being in each other".The principles of education philosophy of the scientific view on national education involve three basic principles:insist the integrating principle of minority culture inheritance and renewal,the integrating principle of bilingualism and biculturalism and the integrating principle of the nation.Finally,the implementation of the scientific view of the national education is a systemic project and the line of theory and practice on the scientific view on national education is based on the following themes:the line of theory and practice have to root in the traditional Chinese culture and also utilize the international experience,it should be based on the local practice and make it is the logical start of the line,emphasizing the forward mechanism of multiple integrations and taking the policy regulations as the institutional guarantee.In conclusion,to establish a scientific and correct view on national education,we must under the leadership of Marxism and follow the perspective of"cultural person",we should persist in the principle of the integration of minority cultural inheritance and renewal,the integration of dual language and dual culture and the integration of"national character"and "minority character".Multiple dimensions of theories should be adopted to guarantee the implementation of the scientific view of national education.
作者 苏德 刘玉杰
出处 《中国教育科学(中英文)》 CSSCI 2018年第2期45-50,138-139,共8页 Education Sciences in China
基金 2015年度国家社科基金教育学重大(重点)招标项目“民族地区依法实施双语教育政策和模式研究”(课题批准号:AMA150011)
关键词 新时代 少数民族 民族教育 教育观 new era ethnic groups national education education view
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