
朱自清在中国现代教育史上的贡献——纪念朱自清诞辰120周年 被引量:1

Zhu Ziqing’s Contribution to the Modern Chinese History of Education:Commemorating the 120th Anniversary of Zhu Ziqing’s Birth
摘要 朱自清是我国现代杰出的散文家、著名的诗人、古代文化学者、古典文学研究家,可他的本职工作是教师。他把生命和热枕全部贡献给教育青年的工作,对大学和中学语文教学做出的贡献尤其多,是语文教学方面的“全才”,同时又是清华大学中国文学系的柱石和灯塔。 Zhu Ziqing is an outstanding modern essayist,poet and classical literature researcher in China,but his original job is a teacher.In 1920,Zhu Ziqing graduated in advance from the Department of Philosophy of Peking University.Then he went to teach at the First Provincial Normal School of Zhejiang,the Eighth Provincial Middle School of Jiangsu,Wusong Public School in Shanghai,the Sixth Provincial Normal School of Zhejiang,the Tenth Provincial Middle School of Zhejiang,the Tenth Provincial Normal School of Zhejiang and Baima Lake Chunhui School of Shangyu District in Shaoxing,Zhejiang.In 1925,Tsinghua School established the Undergraduate Department,and Zhu Ziqing was invited to be a professor of Chinese language at that department.In 1928,Tsinghua School renamed itself National Tsinghua University,and Zhu Ziqing was appointed as the dean of Department of Chinese Literature.During the AntiJapanese War,Zhu Ziqing was the dean of Department of Chinese Literature at the Southwest Associated University.After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War,Zhu Ziqing became the dean of Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Tsinghua University.Zhu Ziqing is versatile and has a lot of contributions to Chinese language education.The famous educationist Ye Shengtao once said:"He has both the teaching experience of middle school and university.Programs of Chinese language teaching developed by him would not be over ambitious or blind.He possesses profound literary knowledge.The content of language teaching can naturally be practical and touching.In addition to the literary attainments,he is also full of researching spirits,so he can analyze the problems of Chinese language teaching meticulously.In addition to the cultivation of the native language,he also has great learning in foreign languages.Therefore,his researches about Chinese language teaching can be more comprehensive and inter-connected.So Mr.Zhu Ziqing is really a u has such conditions,so in this respect,he is really a versatile person."
作者 商金林
机构地区 北京大学中文系
出处 《中国教育科学(中英文)》 CSSCI 2018年第2期109-121,143,共14页 Education Sciences in China
关键词 朱自清 精读指导举隅 略读指导举隅 国文教学 Zhu Ziqing intensive reading instruction extensive reading instruction Chinese language teaching
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