
阵列天线时TD-SCDMA系统信道估计性能的新型改进 被引量:3

Novel improvement on the performance of the channel estimation in array antennas for the TD-SCDMA system
摘要 对阵列天线情况下广义Steiner估计器(GSE)得到的信道响应进行改进,充分利用信号的空间信息,提出了一种基于简化DOA估计方法的方向向量组合降噪方法,并将其与文献[1]和文献[2]中的改进方法进行性能比较。对于给定的车载环境,仿真实验表明,本文的新型改进方法与文献[2]中的改进方法获得几乎相同的性能,都明显好于文献[1]中的改进方法。然而,与文献[2]中方法相比,本文提出的方法具有更低的计算量。 We make improvement on the generalized Steiner estimator (GSE) which is used in array antennas for the TD-SCDMA system. By employing the spatial signature comprehensively, we proposed a novel noise resisting method which is based on a simple DOA method and uses directional vectors and compared this method with those in reference [1] and [2]. For the defined vehicular environment, simulation results show that this novel method in this paper can achieve almost the same performance as that in reference [2] and the above two methods both outperform that in reference [1]. In addition, comparing with the method in reference [2], the proposed novel method has less computation.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期18-23,共6页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(69971002) 大唐电信基金资助项目
关键词 阵列天线 TD-SCDMA 广义Steiner估计器 信道响应 方向向量 DOA估计 信道估计 TD-SCDMA GSE channel estimation directional vector DOA estimation
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