如今,云计算技术愈加受到各界的关注。然而不同应用具有不同的组成、配置和部署需求,如何量化与比较这些应用模型的性能,从而提高云计算资源使用效率,成为重要的研究课题。文章简述了为解决此问题而开发的云仿真软件Cloud Sim,并以Cloud Sim 3.0为重点研究对象。文章重点阐述了仿真软件的仿真流程,并以仿真事件为焦点阐述了仿真流程中各仿真实体的变化情况,并结合实例进行说明。
Nowadays, cloud computing technology has been widely paid attention. But, different applications based on cloud computing have different requirements of configurations and deployments. Therefore, how to quantify and compare the capability of different models in order to increase the operation rate of cloud computing resource has been widely researched. This paper introduces the CloudSim software and focuses on CloudSim 3.0. The paper expounds the simulation process of the software and the simulation events of the process. In the end, the process is illustrated with an example.