HRP retrograde tracing method was adopted to explore the origin cells of the primary somatic afferent fibers and visceral efferent fibers of the nervous trunks in chick wing. The number of the labeled neurons of dorsal root ganglions, sympathetic trunk ganglions, and the respective segment of spinal cord was counted. The results are summarized below: ①The labeled primary neurons of all nervous trunks of chick wing were mainly located in C12 to T3 dorsal root ganglions. The peak ganglion located at T1. Forward and backward, the labeled cells decreased gradually. Most labeled cells are mediumsized pseudounipolar neurons. ②The visceral efferent fibers originated from C12 to T3 sympathetic trunk ganglions. The peak ganglion was C14 and T1. ③The somatic efferent neurons distributed between C12 to T3 segment of spinal cord. Most of these labeled cells are multipolar neurons. The ulnar nerve and radial nerve derived from the dorsolateral region of the spinal cord. Accordingly, the auxiliary nerve originated from the ventromedial region of the spinal cord.
Journal of Zhejiang University:Agriculture and Life Sciences