325 cases of mild to moderate essential hypertension were treated alone for 1 -2 years with each of captopril, indapamide, atenolol and nitrendipine. Another 50 cases were treated by placebo as control. Significant therapeutic effect was observed in all 4 treated group. The best result was in IDP treated group. There Were no deteriorative effects on blood lipid, glucose, uric acid and creatinine. There might be preventive effects on cardiac and cerebral complications. The degree of blood pressure reducing was positivaly corralated with pretreating MAP in all 4 groups. All the cases tolerated the drugs very well and only a few mild side effects were experienced. Relative more side effects were seen in the CTP group and the least in the ATL. group. The results suggest that all 4 drugs may be used as the first line of antihypertensive drugs, and IDP is the best one to be selected. CTP may be the drug of first choice for serious hypertension or patients with cardiac and cerebral complications.
Journal of Clinical Cardiology