研究目的 :分析生态效益评价在土地开发整理中的重要意义和实现“三效”评价统一的可能性。研究方法 :文献资料分析法。研究结果 :不同开发整理利用的土地 ,生态评价具体内容不同 ;将生态环境的评价指标分为两类 ;可以采用量化的方法实现“三效”评价的统一。研究结论 :在土地开发整理项目中要加强生态环境效益评价 ,并且要采用量化的方法实现“三效”统一。
The purpose of this study is to analysize the importance of enhancing eco-environment appraisal and the possibility of the method, which make economic benefits, ecological benefits and social benefits into an integer in the process of land rearrangement. The method of documentation is employed. The results indicate that there are different indexes,and eco-environment appraisal indexes can be divided into two parts.Moreover, this method can make economic benefits, ecological benefits and social benefits into an integer in the land rearrangement. Therefore eco-environment appraisal in the process of land rearrangement must be enhanced.
China Land Science