标题化合物(C24H22Fe2HgO2)3是由2 氯汞基 1 乙酰基二茂铁与乙二胺反应得到的,其结构通过单晶X 射线衍射法确定。其晶体属三斜晶系,P 1空间群,Mr=1964 12,a=10 193(2),b=11 504(2),c=14 413(3) ,α=92 21(3),β=104 12(3),γ=102 67(3)°,V=1591 55(5) 3,Z=1,Dc=2 049mg/cm3,μ=8 583mm-1,F(000)=942,最终偏离因子为R=0 0859,wR=0 2617。该晶体中同时含有meso型及dl型分子,各分子中Hg原子的配位情况不一样。meso分子中的两个二茂铁是相互平行的,而另两分子dl型的二茂铁是相互垂直的。Hg原子以桥联形式连接两个二茂铁部分。meso型与dl型分子通过Hg O弱配位作用相连。
The title compound was synthesized in high yield by treatment of 1acetyl2chloromercuriferrocene with diaminoethane.Its structure was determined by singlecrystal Xray diffraction.The crystal was triclinic,space group P1 with a=10193(2),b=11504(2),c=14413(3)?,α=9221(3),β=10412(3),γ=10267(3)°,V=159155(5)?3,Z=1,Dc=2049mg/cm3,μ=8583mm-1,F(000)=942.The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by fullmatrix least squaresmethod to the final R=00859,wR=02617.Xray analysis revealed that all the Cp rings were parallel to each other,and HgC bond lengths and CHgC bond angles were standard in the meso molecule,but the Cp rings were perpendicular to each other,and the HgC bond lengths and CHgC bond angles were not the same in the dl molecule.The geometric structures of the two Hg atoms in meso or dl molecules were very different.The two type molecules were linked weakly by the HgO coordination.
Chemical Research and Application