目的 :考察大学生在处理心理问题时的求助倾向及妨碍其寻求专业帮助的原因。方法 :以一所部属师范大学全日制本科生 (n =2 92 )为对象 ,用问卷调查的方式进行。结果和结论 :①受试者倾向于先求诸己 ,后求诸人 ;在寻求他人帮助时 ,更倾向于向关系密切的人求助 ,只有当面临严重的心理困扰时 ,才倾向于向专业咨询求助。②男生较女生更倾向于自己解决问题 ;来自农村的学生较来自城市的学生更倾向于自己解决问题。③妨碍大学生寻求专业咨询帮助的原因可分为三类 ,其中“自我效能”因素和“保全面子”因素是最主要的原因。
Objective: To examine the help-seeking tendency of Chinese undergraduates in a normal university when they suffering from mental problems, and the reasons that prevented them from seeking professional help. Methods: A questionnaire was administered to 292 undergraduates. Results and Conclusions: ①The subjects preferred solving problems themselves to seeking others, and prefered to go to those who were closed to them when they had to ask for help. The professional counseling service was chosen only when the problem became severe and emotionally disturbed.②Male university students preferred to solve problems themselvesmrre than female ones, and students from the city preferred to solve problems themselves more than those from the countryside.③3 Some factors or categories were identified from the total 9 reasons that responsible for not asking for professional help, in which the more important two were 'self efficacy relevant factor' and 'saving face relevant factor'.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology