[目的]探索影响工矿企业工人结核病发病的危险因素 ,为结核病预防提供参考依据。[方法]选择142例肺结核现患病例 ,按1∶1进行病例对照研究。[结果]人际交往 (OR=2.604) ,暴露于粉尘环境 (OR=2.722) ,接触有害化学气体 (OR=4.235) ,明显的结核病接触史 (OR=4.159) ,家庭经济情况 (OR=2.537)和卡介苗接种史 (OR=0.429)与肺结核显著相关。[结论]喜欢人际交往 ,长期接触有害气体 ,长期暴露于粉尘环境和明显的结核病接触史及家庭经济收入低是我国工矿企业工人结核病发生的危险因素 ,而接受卡介苗预防接种 ,尤其是存在明显的卡痕者 ,可防止或减少结核病发生。
To explore the risk factors of pulmonary tuberculosis(PT) in the enterprises in Changde and to lay foundation for their prevention and control. A 1∶1 matched case_control (142∶142) study for the risk factors was carried out. Single factor conditional logistic regression analysis showed that the occurrence of PT was closely associated with body indices,working environment including dust and chemical fumes,smoking,family history of PT,history of exposure to PT,family income,examination of body,knowledge about PT,people contact,intension of work before sickness(OR=1.669~3.360,χ2=4.586~20.299,P<0.05). Bacilli Calmette Guerin(BCG) vaccination was a protective factor. Further mutiple conditional logistic regression analysis turned out that people contact,exposure to dust and chemical fumes in the working environment,history of exposure to PT and low family income were the independent risk factors (OR=2.537~4.235,P<0.05),BCG vaccination was inversely associated with PT (OR=0.429,P<0.05). [Conclusion] The main risk factors of PT are people contact,dust and chemical fumes in the working environment and history of exposure to PT obviously and low family income in the factories in Changde. BCG vaccination is a protective factor of PT.
Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine