4Alastair Mullis, Ken Oliphant, Torts(3rd ed), New York: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN, 2003.
5Steven L. Emanuel, Torts, Peking: CITIC PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2003.
6Benoit De Nayer, The Consumer in Electronic Commerce: Beyond Confidence, In Thomas V ilhelmsson, Salla Tuominen and Heli Tuomola (eds.) , Consumer Law in the Information Society . Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2001, pp. 117 -125.
8Richard A. Epstein, Cases and Materials on Torts(Seventh Edition), Torts, Peking: CITIC Publishing House, 2003.
9Miquel Peguera, The DMCA Safe Harbors and Their European Counterparts: A Comparative Analysis of Some Common Prob- lems. Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts, Vol. 32, 2009, p. 481.
10Brandon Brown, Fortifying the Safe Harbors : Reevaluating the DMCA in a Web 2.0 World . Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Vol. 23, 2008, p. 1.