1Report of the Working Party on Financial Stabilityin Emerging Market Economies,Financial Stability in Emerging Market Economies:A Strategy for the Formulation,Adopion and Implementation of Sound Principles and Practices to Strengthen Financial Systems, April 1997, p.17.
2See Catharine M.Lemieux, Conglomerates,Connected Lending and Prudential Standards:Lessons Learned, UCLA Journal of In International Law and Foreign Affairs,Vol. 4 , Spring/Summer 1999, pp.157-158.
3See Andrew Crockett ,Speech at European Banking Congress,20 November,1998 at <http:www.bis.org>;See also Morris Goldstein ,The Asian Financial Crisis:Causes,Cures,and Systemic Implications,1998,p.12.
4See Rudi Bonte et al, Supervisory Lessons to be Drawn from the Asitm Crisis, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Working Papers, No.2June 1999, p.2.3n.10.
5Charles Goodhart et al., Financial Regulation:Why, How, and Where Now?, 1998, p.15.