Quantity and quality are two basic attributes of water resources. The abundance or scarcity of water amount, as well as the good or bad of water quality, is just some kind of objective existence. However, we need to rely on sensory organs or equipments to monitor the quality of water, and we also need to evaluate it according to certain evaluation criteria, therefore water quality has a certain subjective perception, and may be subject to various restrictions. Affected by the monitoring and cognitive ability, the different stakeholder role, the selected evaluation criteria, people's subjective cognition of water quality and the objective reality cannot always reach consensus, while the contradictions often become the sources of water environmental crisis and public health hazards. This paper analyzed the influences of the monitoring and cognitive ability, the different stakeholder role and the selected evaluation criteria on the quality cognition of water resources, investigated its implications for the water resources management and water environmental protection and put forward several important countermeasures for the new era of ecological civilization.
Pearl River
water resources
water quality
ecological civilization
public participation