凝集素是自然界广泛存在的一大类糖结合蛋白 ,半乳糖结合凝集素 ( galectin)是凝集素家族中的一员 ,存在于多种生物、多种组织内 ,且进化保守 ,发挥着广泛的功能 ,参与细胞粘附、凋亡及免疫反应等多种生物学过程。目前 ,国内外对凝集素的研究日益增多 ,文章以哺乳动物的 galectin为重点 ,综述了 galectin的结构特性、配体、分泌方式和生物学功能等各方面的研究现状 ,为进一步了解和研究
Lectins are proteins that bind to specific carbohydrate structures.As a large family of lectins, galectins have been found in various tissues and creatures, and evolved conservatively. Their functions are significant and involved in many biological processes such as cell adhesion,apoptosis and immune responses. Important advances are also being made in studies of galectins in many species. This short review provides a framework and reference for understanding the structural classification, properties,ligands,secretion pattern and function of the galectin.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine