催产素能使妊娠 1 5d后的母兔子宫出现收缩反应。但在妊娠母兔受到强应激刺激后立即注射催产素子宫不发生收缩。说明当应激达到一定强度时 ,母兔因紧张所分泌的肾上腺素足以封闭子宫平滑肌上的催产素受体 。
Oxytocin (OX) can make the uterus of female rabbit, which is 15 d after the pregnancy, systolic. But, when injected OX as soon as the pregnant female rabbi is stressed with strong strength, the uterus won't systolic. This shows that when the stress strength reaches a certain degree, the adrenaline secreted because of nerves by female rabbit is enough to close the OX receptor on the smooth muscle of uterus. Thus, in a certain period, the OX can't make the uterus systolic.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine