以《搜神记》为代表的志怪小说所志之怪大体有三个方面的内容 :自然之怪、死生之怪和神鬼之怪 ,其创作前提是“人鬼乃皆实有”。对“怪”的描述 ,有原始人类的工具崇拜心理 ,带有一定的功利色彩 ,但更多体现的是六朝人雍容宽厚的审美趣味和对个体生命的珍视。
The mystery of G ho st Stories which takes Stories of lmmortals as a typical example lies in three a s pects:mystery of nature,mystery of life and death and mystery of gods and ghosts .The creative prereguisite of Ghost Stories are that both human beings and ghost s are from reality.The description of 'mystery'includes the will of people in pr imitive society to worship gods,which,to some degree,indicates utilitarianism,bu t show more of decent artistic taste of six dynasties and appreciation of indivi dual life.
Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College