我国自试行民事诉讼法颁布实施至今 ,二审判决被立案再审的比率逐年上升 ,再审程序作为一种纠错程序在这种情况下显得非常重要。而我国再审程序的启动任意性太大 ,提起的主体过于宽泛、再审的事由过于笼统。只注重了纠错 ,而忽视了生效裁判稳定性的维持。
The rate of the second judgement has increased per year since our country issued and adopted the law of civil suit .The civil retrial procedure,which is a kind of rectification,seems very importa nt under this situation.The operation of the program of the civil retrial proced ure is too casual,the subject of the civil retrial procedure is too wide,and the discipline of the civil retrial procedure is too rough.It only pays at tention to the problem of the rectification,so it omits the steady mainienance of the available judgment.This paper discusses the program of the civil retrial procedure according to the above all.
Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College