为解决临界温度双低两用核不育水稻 96 5 2S繁殖困难的问题 ,利用地下水对其进行了冷水灌溉繁殖试验 .结果表明 ,用不同温度的冷水从其雌雄蕊形成期 (Ⅳ )至花粉内容物充实期 (Ⅶ )连续灌溉 1 5d ,水深保持在 1 8~ 2 2cm ,其结实率与产量随灌溉水温升高而降低 .当平均灌溉水温为 1 8.5~ 1 9.8℃时 ,结实率可达 40 .5 %~ 57.6 % ,产量可达 3 .30~ 4 .35t·hm- 2 ;当平均灌溉水温为 2 0 .5~ 2 1 .3℃时 ,结实率与产量锐减 ,分别为 2 .5 %~ 1 0 .4%与 0 .2 1~ 0 .90t·hm- 2 ;当平均灌溉水温为 2 2 .3~ 2 3 .5℃时 ,结实率与产量均为 0 .当灌溉水温 (平均为 1 9.8℃ )与灌溉时期 (Ⅳ~Ⅶ期 )相同时 ,昼夜深灌 (1 8~ 2 2cm)处理的结实率与产量极显著高于其昼夜浅灌 (7~ 1 0cm)处理 .当灌溉水温 (平均为 1 9.8℃ )与灌溉水深 (1 8~ 2 2cm)相同时 ,灌溉时间长 (Ⅱ、Ⅲ~Ⅶ期 ,2 0~ 2 5d)、短 (Ⅳ~Ⅶ期 ,1 5d)处理的结实率与产量无明显差异 .用地下冷水灌溉可以繁殖临界温度双低两用核不育水稻 96 5 2S ,主要技术指标是灌溉水温 1 8~ 2 0℃ ,灌溉时期为Ⅳ~Ⅶ期 ,灌溉水深为 1 8~ 2 2cm .
In this paper, cold water irrigation multiplication technique was used to solve the difficulty of multiplying rice TGMS line 96 5 2S( Oryza sative L.) with double low critical temperature values under natural air temperature condition. The results indicated that irrigating rice TGMS line 96 5 2S with different temperature underground cold water from the stage of pistil and stamen primordia differentiation to the stage of pollen filling for 15 days, and keeping the water depth 18~22 cm, the seed set rate of 96 5 2S decreased with increasing irrigating water temperature. When the average temperature of irrigation water was 18.5~19.8 ℃, the seed set rate ranged from 40.5% to 57.6%, and the yield ranged from 3.30 t·hm -2 to 4.35 t·hm -2 .While the temperature was 20.5~21.3 ℃, the seed set rate and yield sharply decreased to 2.5~10.4% and 0.21~0.90 t·hm -2 , respectively. When the average temperature was 22.3~23.5 ℃, both the seed set rate and yield were zero. Under the same irrigation water temperature (average 19.8 ℃) and the same irrigating period (phase Ⅳ to phase Ⅶ), the seed set rate and yield of 96 5 2S with deep water irrigation (18~22 cm) was very significantly higher than those of 96 5 2S with shallow water irrigation (7~10 cm). Under the conditions of same irrigation water temperature (average19.8 ℃) and same water depth (18~22 cm) but different irrigating periods (15 days from phaseⅣ to phaseⅦ, 20 days from phaseⅢ to phaseⅦ, and 25 days from phaseⅡ to phaseⅦ), the difference of seed set rate and yield of 96 5 2S between 15 day treatment and 20~25 day treatment was not significantly different. It is confident that 96 5 2S could multiply with underground cold water irrigation. The main technique index was that irrigating water temperature should be 18~20 ℃,irrigating period should be from phase Ⅳ to phaseⅦ, and irrigating water depth should be 18~22 cm.
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
国家自然科学基金 ( 39370 0 78)
教育部高校骨干教师 ( 2 50 0 0 117)
湖南省生命科学联合研究中心( 2 5990 2 2 5)
Cold water irrigation, Multiplication, Rice T(P)GMS line with double low critical temperature values, Critical temperature, Underground water.