针对当前广为流传的SARS病毒“太空起源说”和“野生动物来源说”两种理论 ,本文根据污染进化生态学原理和SARS病毒发病传染特征 ,以有关实验结果为科学依据 ,阐述了SARS病毒的起源问题 ,指出 :我国当前环境日益严重的复合污染为SARS致病病毒的产生提供了适宜的外部生态条件和物质基础 ,SARS致病病毒可能起源于多个病毒的基因重组或融合 ,更可能是一种来自于感冒病毒进化而形成的超级感冒病毒 .可以预料 。
The SARS virus origin which obviously differs from the theory of out space origin and the theory of wildlife origin was theoretically discussed based on principles of pollution evolution ecology,pathogenesis and infectant characteristics of SARS,and some relevant experimental evidence. It emphasizes on the fact that increasingly combined pollution in China provides a substantial basis for virus evolution. Gene recombination and fusion of more than one virus in ecosystems should take charge with the origin of a SARS virus. In particular,a common cold or influenza virus can acceleratedly changed into a superpower common cold or influenza virus through genetic mutation and gene recombination by increasingly combined pollution. This work can be useful for human beings to overcome SARS in theory.
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目(2 0 2 2 572 2 )