目的 探讨卵巢Brenner瘤的超声图像特征 ,并与病理改变对照分析。方法 经腹与经阴道超声检查结合 ,观察卵巢Brenner瘤 9例 ;全部病例经手术及病理证实。结果 Brenner瘤超声表现为 :瘤体呈“蛋壳”征 ,后方有明显的声衰减 ;肿块边界清晰的不均质低回声或部分低回声病灶。 4例经CDFI检查 ,1例恶性瘤体内探及较多血流信号 ,其余 3例良性者瘤内均未探及明显血流信号。结论 卵巢Brenner瘤的超声表现具有一定特征。
Objective To study the ultrasonic features of ovarian Brenner tumor and compared it with the pathological changes. Methods Transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasonography were performed on 9 cases of ovarian Brenner tumor to observe the size, echo, and vascularity of it. The diagnosis of the 9 patients was confirmed by operation and pathology. Results The ultrasonic features of ovarian Brenner tumor had two types: one showed as an egg-shall (egg-shall sign) with hyperechoic area in it and heavy acoustic attenuation (acoustic shadow), and the other showed as a heterogeneous hypoechoic nodule with well-defined border. 4 of these 9 patients had color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) examine, of which 1 was malignant with many signals of blood flow in tumor among the 4 cases, the other 3 were benign with no signals of blood flow in tumor. Conclusion Ultrasonic features of ovarian Brenner tumor have some characteristics and CDFI may be helpful in differentiating the malignant and benign Brenner tumor.
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound in Medicine