

Tracing Recovery from Acidification in the Western Norwegian Nausta Watershed
摘要 使用一种新方法一多余度分析(RDA),检查了是否挪威西部奈于斯特流域酸化的化学复原在大型底栖动物群落结构中产生了可测的复原。RDA结果与基于使用高度专门化和区域化界定的生物酸度指数测得的变化的复原测量值作了比较。我们发现,在1989~1998年期间,奈于斯特流域生物复原即开始出现。复原是在奈于斯特河上游及其各支流发生的。多变量方法已证明是酸度指数方法的一种补充,将两者结合使用能够得到大量的生物信息。RDA方法是一种保守的方法,即不会过高地估计生物复原,而且不像酸度指数。从地理上来说不会受到约束。我们还发现,一些季节性气候因素强烈地影响着底栖生物群落,可能引起对生物复原过程检测的混淆。 A novel method, redundancy analysis (RDA), has been used to examine whether chemical recovery from acidification in the western Norwegian Nausta watershed produces detectable recovery within the community structure of the macro-zoobenthos. The RDA results have been compared with measures of recovery based on the changes detected using highly specialized and regionally defined biological acidity indices. We found that the beginning of biological recovery in the Nausta watershed was recognizable during the period 1989–1998. Recovery occurred in the upper reaches and in the tributaries. The multivariate approach proved to complement the acidity indices approach, and much biological information can be gained by their combined use. The RDA method is conservative, i.e. does not overestimate biological recovery, and it is not geographically constrained as are the acidity indices. We also found that seasonal climatic factors strongly influence the benthic community, and may confound the detection of the biological recovery process.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2003年第3期235-239,共5页
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