目的 应用冠状动脉造影 ,分析急性下壁心肌梗死患者心电图前壁或侧壁导联上ST段压低的临床义意。方法 31例患者发病后第 1天标准 12导联心电图记录 ,前壁导联范围为V1 ~V4 ,侧壁导联范围为I、AVL、V5、V6 。患者均进行冠脉造影 ,2 5例 (80 % )自发病后 1个月内接受检查 ,6例于发病后2个月内接受冠脉造影 ,冠脉狭窄≥ 5 0 %被视为异常。结果 冠脉双支或双支以上病变者 ,特别是左旋支存在病变者 ,易发生侧壁导联ST段压低 ,P <0 0 5。前壁导联ST段低压者中 ,也以双支或双支以上病变为多。结论急性下壁心肌梗死时 ,出现前侧壁导联的ST段压低 。
Objective To study the clinical significance of ST segment depress in anterior and lateral myocardia with coronary angiography. Methods All the patients had ECG examination on the onset. Patients with ST segment depress in anterior and lateral myocardia through coronary angiography were analysed.Results Two branch coronary artery, especially in left circumflex(LCX) was incident to anterior and lateral ST segment depress.Conclusion ST segment depress in anterior and lateral suggests the expansion of myocardial ischemia in acute inferior myocardial infarction.
Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine