我们于春夏秋冬四季采集杭州市区主要乳制品厂的原料奶进行分析,以测定四个不同季节的牛奶试样的无机盐 (铁、铜、钠、钾、钙、镁、磷、硫) 和维生素(A,B_1,B_2,C,E) 的含量的季节性变化。经过12个月的测定,得出以下结论:饲料、饲养条件对无机盐和维生素有明显的影响,其中季节对脂溶性维生素和金属无机盐含量的影响占优势,对B族维生素和非金属无机盐含量的影响则不显著。
A total of 96 milk Samples analyzed were a11 collected in Hang-zhou throughout the year. The changes of contents of minerals and vitam-ins were determined. It was found that no Significant differences inthe contents of sulphur, iodine and calcium among different seasons.But the contents of metallic minerals such as potassium, magnesium,copper etc, in the autumn were significantly higher than the otherseasons. For vitamins, there was no differences in riboflavin and nia-cin contents among four seasons. The contents of thiamine, axerophthol,tocopherol and vitamin C in the antumn were significantly higher thanthat in the other seasons.
China Dairy Industry