Chinese General Practice
1CDC(美国疾病控制和预防中心).Updated interim U. S. case definition of severe acute respiratory syndrome.http: //www.cdc. gov. /ncidod/sara/casedefinition. htm,.
2联合早报网.香港美联电2003.5.3国际新闻.在康复病人体内病毒将存活一个月.http: //www. zaobao, com/sg/gj/zg011_ 030503. html,.
3CDC. Updated interim guidance: pre -hospital emergency medical care and ground transport of suspected severe acute respiratory syn-drome patients, http: //www. cdc. gov/ncidod/sars/emtguidance, htm.
4CDC. Interim guidance: air medical transport for severe acute respiratory syndrome, http: //www. cdc. gov/ncidod/sars/airtransport - sarspatients, him.
5WHO. Hospital infection control guidance for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).http : //who. int/csr/sars/infectioncontrol/en/.
6CDC. Update interim domestic infection control guidance in the health - care and community setting for patients with suspected SARS.http: //www. cdc. gov/ncidod/sars/infectioncontrol, htm.
7CDC. Inteim recommendations for cleaning and disinfection of the SABS patient environment. http: //www. cdc. gov/ncidod /sars/cleaningpatienviro, him.
8CDC. Interim guidance on infection control precaution for patients with suspected severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and close contacts in households, http: //www. cdc.gov/ncidod / sars/ic_ closecontacts, htm.
9Caemine J, Bozzi Dale R, Burwen M. D,et al. Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health Care Facilities, 1994. file: //A:/Guidelines % 20 for% 20Preventing % 20the %20Transmission% 20of % 2...
10Meeting on SARS vires detection and survival in food and water, Madrid, 8 - 9 May 2003.http: //www. who.int/csr/sars/guide/lines/madridmeeting/en/
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3石海鸥,王力红.SARS防护口罩的选择[J].中华医学信息导报,2003,18(14):8-8. 被引量:1
4Coronavirus never before seen in humans is the cause of SARS.Unprecedented collaboration indentifies new pathogen in record time. WHO Press Release, 16 April 2003, Gevea.
5WHO. Guideline, recommendation, decriptions.. First data on stability and resistance of SARS coronavirus compiled by members of WHO laboratory network[N]. 2003,4May.
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7CDC. Updated interim domestic infection control guidance in the health-care and community setting for patients with suspected SARS. http://www, edc. gov/ncidod/sars/triage-interim-guid-ance. htm.
8白春学,陈智鸿.严重急性呼吸道综合征(SARS)的防治及研究进展[J].中国临床医学,2003,10(3):275-277. 被引量:1
9李敬云,鲍作义,刘思扬,庄道民,刘永健,张文福,蒋莉.SARS病毒在外界环境物品中生存和抵抗能力的研究[J].中国消毒学杂志,2003,20(2):110-112. 被引量:24
10杨华明.对SARS病毒污染消毒措施的建议[J].中国消毒学杂志,2003,20(2):113-115. 被引量:21
5陈青.SARS预防与新标准医用口罩[J].首都医药,2003,10(14):53-53. 被引量:3
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8施海彬,李麟荪.阻塞性黄疸的介入治疗规范提案[J].介入放射学杂志,2002,11(5):392-393. 被引量:22
10李绍平,季晖.大鼠肺血栓模型的制备及考察[J].中国药科大学学报,1996,27(1):52-54. 被引量:4