
关于中国可持续发展油气战略的若干思考——访中国石油勘探开发研究院副院长赵文智 被引量:4

Suggestions on China's Sustainable Oil and Gas Development Strategy- Interview with Vice President of PetroChina Exploration and DevelopmentResearch Institute Zhao Wenzhi
摘要 今年5月26日,中国可持续发展油气战略研究在北京正式启动,国务院总理温家宝亲自主持会议并听取了中国工程院课题研究组的汇报.在这一消息的鼓舞下,本刊记者带着诸多问题采访了十分繁忙的中国石油勘探开发研究院副院长赵文智.作为中国可持续发展油气战略研究的直接参与者之一,赵文智副院长以严谨求实的态度和高度负责的精神,谈了他对我国油气可持续发展有关问题的理解和看法. The start of China's sustainable oil and gas development strategy is of great historic and realistic significance to scientific appraisal on the country's potential oil and gas development and the challenge in this sector, scientific formulation of the development objectives and related policies and scientific selection of development strategy. China's sustainable oil and gas development strategy stresses sustainable utilization of oil and gas resources, sustainable development of oil and gas enterprises and coordination between the oil and gas industrial development and the environment. Based on the prediction, China's oil reserves and production can meet the domestic demand for the main in the next 15 or 20 years owing to the theoretical and technological progress and reinforcement of risk exploration. However, it is impossible for the country to meet the full demand. The shortage in oil and gas supply will become more and more serious with the national economic growth. To secure the basic oil supply in China for the next two decades, it is necessary to make an appraisal on the potential and distribution of the country's oil and gas resources. Meanwhile, the efforts should be strengthened to promote the theoretical and technological progress in the oil and gas exploration and development field, accelerate the discovery of oil and gas resources, boost the recovery rate of the proven reserves and raise the quantity of economic proven resources. What is more, it is also necessary to set a reasonable rate for development and utilization, seek the substitute energy, expand the share of international oil and gas resources and spare no efforts to make reasonable use of the limited oil and gas resources.
作者 李文
机构地区 本刊记者
出处 《国际石油经济》 2003年第7期7-12,共6页 International Petroleum Economics
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