

The Application of Law of State Responsibility in the Distribution of Obligations to Assist Refugees
摘要 国际社会对于难民问题的目光大多聚焦在难民自身的人权保障上,从不关注难民接收国的负担是否合理。实际上,难民接收国一直承受着不合理的负担,同时也不可避免地造成了难民人权保障不力的后果。因此,除了1951年的《关于难民地位的公约》,国际社会仍需其他框架来确定难民救助责任的分配。国家责任法作为传统国际法原则,可以用于确定一国在违反国际义务时应以何种方式弥补其过错。在难民产生的语境下,要想证明特定国家对难民接收国的开销有赔偿义务,需要同时证明以下三点:该国实施了国际不法行为;难民接收国的开销不属于1951年《关于难民地位的公约》的义务而是可以引起赔偿义务的损害;该不法行为与损害之间有足够直接的因果关系。海牙国际法院采取的but-for测试在'多因一果'的情形下会产生不公平的结果,所以应当采取NESS测试来判断因果关系。但是,无论何种法律框架,都需要相应的实施机构;在联合国人权理事会中依据联合国赔偿委员会的模式增设处理国家有关人权的诉求机制不失为良策。 The focus of the international community on refugee population has always been the protection of their human rights,with insufficient attention paid on the situation of the asylum State.In practice,refugee-receiving States have already been stretched beyond the breaking point,which inevitably resulting in the failure to protect refugees’human rights.Therefore,a more reasonable distributional mechanism is needed to protect both the asylum State and refugees’basic rights.The law of State responsibility,containing many basic principles of international law,could determine what a State should do for reparation when it breaches an international obligation.Under the context of emergence of refugees,three factors must be presented simultaneously if a State is said to be responsible for the costs of the asylum State on refugees:Firstly,the State conducted an internationally wrongful act breaching an obligation owed to other States;Secondly,the costs of the asylum State could be regarded as injury rather than its treaty obligation under 1951 Refugee Convention;Finally,sufficiently direct and certain causal nexus is need between the wrongful act and the injuries.Since the'but for'test adopted by the International Court of Justice would emerge injustice in the situation of overdetermination,NESS test shall be applied in the decision of existence of causation.However,without an institution the mechanism cannot be taken into practice.The author believes endowing the United Nations Human Rights Commission with power to deal with refugee cost claims brought by governments following the pattern created in the United Nations Compensation Commission is a practicable and apposite choice.
作者 柳新潮 Liu Xinchao
出处 《人权研究(辑刊)》 2019年第1期297-323,共27页 Journal of Human Rights
关键词 难民责任 国家责任法 因果关系 NESS测试 联合国赔偿委员会 Obligation to Assist Refugees Law of State Responsibility Causal Nexus NESS Test United Nations Compensation Commission
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