2L. Kent Weaver. the Changing World of Think Tanks. Political Science - Politics, September 1989.
3G.B. Kochetkov and V.B.Supyan. Think tanks in the USA:Science as an instrument of Public Policy, Studies on Russian Ecnomic Development, 2010, Vo121, No 5.
4The American Heritage Dictionary, Think Tank, and Merriam Webster' Dictionary, Think Tank.
5Mahmood.Ahmad. US Think Tanks and the Politics of Expertise: Role, Value and Impact. The Political Quarterly, Vol. 79, No. 4, October-December 2008.
6Ilya Somin, Democracy andPolitical Ignorance: Why SmMIer Government Is Smarter, Stanford University Press, 2013.
7Mahmood.Ahmad. US Think Tanks and the Politics of Expertise: Role, Value and Impact. The PoliticM Quarterly, Vol. 79, No. 4, October-December 2008.
8Murray Weidenbaum. Measuring the Influence of Thin k Tanks.Social Science and Public Policy. 2010.Vo147.