
用JoinMap~3.0初步构建小麦遗传连锁图 被引量:11

Preliminary Genetic Linkage Map of Wheat Constructed by JoinMap~ 3.0
摘要 以普通小麦品种“望水白”与“Alondra”杂交并通过单粒传方法获得的含104个重组自交系(F7)的群体为作图群体,采用JoinMap 3.0软件初步构建了含有2个RAPD、109个SSR和105个AFLP多态性标记的小麦遗传整合图谱。该图谱的遗传总距离为1241.4cM,含有25个连锁群,已确认其中24个连锁群相应的染色体,除3D染色体外,其余20条染色体均构建了遗传连锁图。A、B、D3个染色体组的染色体平均长度分别为75.1cM、59.6cM和45.8cM,每个染色体平均分布的多态性标记分别为11.3、13.8和5.5个,标记间的平均间隔为5.7cM,仍有25.8%的多态性标记未能构建进遗传图谱。 Cross progenies between common wheat cultivars 'Wangshuibai' and 'Alondra',i.e.104 F 7 derived recombinant inbred lines developed by single seed descent method were used as a mapping population,an integrated linkage map was constructed by JoinMap ○R*' *' 3.0 that consisted of 2 RAPD, 109 SSR and 105 AFLP polymorphic markers. The map covered a total genetic distance of 1 241 4 cM. Up to 24 of the 25 identified linkage groups could be identified to the chromosome. Apart from chromosome 3D, linkage maps were obtained from all other chromosomes. The average distances of chromosomes of A, B, D genomes were 75.1 cM, 59.6 cM and 45.8 cM, respectively;3 chromosomes had 11 3,13 8 and 5 5 polymorphic markers averagely scattered,respectively. The average interval between two markers was 5.7 cM. About 25.8% polymorphic markers couldn′t be constructed to linkage maps.
出处 《江苏农业学报》 CSCD 2003年第3期133-138,共6页 Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家"863"课题(2001AA211021) 国家攻关课题(2001BA511B03) 中欧合作项目(ERBIC18CT980312) 江苏省高新技术研究项目(BG2001309)
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