通过对扁刺栲 华木荷林区针阔混交林、次生阔叶林的群落调查以及扁刺栲的树干解析 .研究结果表明 :(1)扁刺栲在针阔混交林与次生阔叶林中 ,胸径快速生长期分别在a 8~ 12和a 10~ 14之间 ,生长高峰值分别出现在a 10和a 12 ,最大值分别为 1.0 7cm和 0 .85cm .(2 )扁刺栲在针阔混交林与次生阔叶林中 ,树高快速生长期分别在a 6~ 10和a 10~ 14之间 ,生长高峰值分别出现在a 8和a 10 ,最大值分别为 0 .5 5m和 0 .5 6m .(3)在针阔混交林中 ,16a生扁刺栲单株材积达 0 .0 134m3 ,而在次生阔叶林中只有 0 .0 10 3m3 .在分析不同林分中扁刺栲生长差异及其原因的基础上 ,建议对次生阔叶林经营应采用动态管理 .图 3表 2参
The community investigation and stem analysis were conducted in order to study the stem growing process of 16-year-old Castanopsis platyacantha in the conifer and broad-leaved mixed, forest and secondary broad-leaved forests. The results indicated that:(1) in the conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest and secondary broad-leaved forests, the time with high peak of annual growth increment of breast height diameter(DBH) and tree height were the 10th and 12th, 8th and 10th year respectively, and maximal value of annual growth increment of breast height diameter and tree height were 1.07 cm and 0.85 cm, 0.55 m and 0.56 m, respectively; (2)the individual tree volume of 16-year-old Castanopsis platyacantha was 0.013 4 m 3 and 0.010 3 m 3 in the conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest and secondary broad-leaved forests, respectively. Finally, based on the analysis of different growth processes of Castanopsis platyacantha and its reasons in the different stands, the dynamic management of secondary broad-leaved forest was proposed. Fig 3, Tab 2, Ref 14
Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
国家自然科学基金"重大研究计划"项目 (No .90 2 0 2 0 1 0 )
中芬国际合作项目 (No .30 2 1 1 1 30 50 4 )
中国科学院"百人计划"项目 (No .0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 8C)资助~~
stem growth
secondary broad-leaved forest
conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest
Castanopsis platyacantha