采用中国林科院林业研究所生物技术室开发的核酸序列分析软件tRNASYSTEM分析了4000个杨树形成层基因氨基酸的三联体遗传密码,得出了一套适合于在杨树形成层高效表达的密码子,并通过该密码子,对从苏云金芽孢杆菌菌株Bt.886中克隆的、具有抗天牛作用的cry A基因进行了改造.在两端加上合适的酶切位点后,人工合成了最长为90bp的小片段,再经PCR延伸及T4连接酶拼接成全长为1812bp的基因.利用两端设计的酶切位点,将全长基因克隆到克隆载体PUC119上,为进一步用于在杨树形成层特异表达的研究打下了基础.
A set of genetic codes fitting Poplar Cambium was obtained with the help of tRNA SYSTEM software and furthermore, with the application of these genetic codes and based on the known cryⅢA gene sequence, this gene was modified and synthesized after reasonable designing, PCR extension and reaction, ligation and molecμLar cloning. With the help of restriction enzyme recognizing sites, the modified cryⅢA gene which is toxic to Longhorn Beetles was cloned into PUC119 for further study.
Journal of Central South Forestry University