通过评估各个备选点位可达性指标的大小 ,提出一种简单可行的基于 GIS的停车换乘设施优化选址方法。分析影响居民使用停车换乘方式的最重要的个体特征 ,各个备选点位的影响范围及可达性指标 ,对备选点位进行分析排序 。
This paper develops a flexible GIS based methodology for evaluating the potential locations of terminal park and ride facilities along urban passenger transport corridor.The methodology begins by the analysis of derived demand for transit usage based on the character tics of travelers in the study area,and then the commutersheds are calculated for each candidate park and ride location based on realistic measures of accessibility and network based drive times,taking into account competition among candidates for riders.Following the analysis,the candidate locations and their commutersheds are delineated in the GIS environment.In summary,application of this method produces may be used to rank and compare potential park and ride locations in the urban transport strategic study.
Transportation Science & Technology