通过对策勒戈壁分布的盐生草种群特征、水分利用效率的研究 ,得到策勒地区盐生草种群的平均盖度为2 .4 8% ,平均密度为 7.1株 /m2 ,平均株高为 6 .17cm ,生物积累量为 4 .6 2 g/m2 。种群分布格局类型呈典型成群分布 ,植株水分利用效率约为 0 .5 86kg/mm·hm2 ,平均根茎长度比为 2 .0 ,平均根茎重量比为 0 .0 5 6。盐生草株高与地上现存量之间的数量关系为 y =0 .0 6 77e0 .2 568x(0 <x≤ 7cm)和 y =0 .0 6 74x2 - 0 .4 4 87x - 0 .0 399(x >7cm)。
Located in Xinjiang, the Tarim Basin is a typical arid area in China, the annual precipitation is exiguous but the evaporation is violent. Qira Gobi Desert is located in the southern marginal zone of the basin, the climate is extremely arid, and the salt content in soils is high. The herbaceous plants growing under such environment conditions have drought enduring, high-temperature enduring and halophilous capabilities. In this paper, the characteristics of population families of the halophilous herbaceous plants and the moisture absorbing efficiency are researched. The results show that the average coverage and the average density of the halophilous herbaceous plants are 2.48% and 7.1 individual plants per cubic meter respectively. The average height of the halophilous herbaceous plants is 6.17 cm, and the average biomass is 4.62g/m 2. The halophilous herbaceous plants are distributed in families, and the moisture absorbing efficiency of the plants is 0.586kg/mm·hm 2. The average length ratio and weight ratio between roots and stems are 2.0 and 0.056 respectively. The quantity relations between the height and the standing biomass of the halophilous herbaceous plants are y=0.0677e0.2568x (0<x≤7cm) and y=0.0674x 2-0.4487x-0.0399 (x>7cm).
Arid Zone Research
国家重点基础研究发展规划 (G19990 43 5 0 5 0 4)
中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所创新领域前沿课题 (KZCX -XJ0 1-0 5 )