沙漠是一种特殊的旅游资源 ,在国际上沙漠旅游正成为一种新兴的旅游方式。以塔克拉玛干沙漠旅游资源为研究对象 ,通过对沙漠中自然、人文资源的分析探讨 ,研究了沙漠旅游资源在开发利用中的优势和劣势 ,将沙漠旅游的客源层分为观光、探险和考古三类 ,并以此为基础设计了不同的旅游路线 ,对沙漠旅游的活动内容、大型节事、宣传促销和可持续发展对策进行了探讨。
Deserts are one of the geomorphologic types in arid areas, and also a special kind of tourist resources. Desert tourism is becoming novel and fashionable in the world. with the extensive area, large desert area and outstanding culture of the Silk Road, Xinjiang has its own unique desert tourist resources in China. In this paper, the development and utilization of the tourist resources in Taklamakan Desert are researched. It has many potentials to exploit the desert tourist resources in Taklamakan Desert: the desert tourism complies with the main trend of domestic tourist market; the desert is rich in tourist resources including the historical relics, magnificent natural scenes, modernized oil industrial facilities, etc. On the other hand, it has some difficulties to develop tourism in the desert, such as the poor infrastructure, atrocious climatic conditions, etc. Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages of developing the tourist resources in Taklamakan Desert are also analyzed. According to the tourist purposes, the tourists are divided into three groups, i.e., the sightseeing tourists, explorative tourists and archaeological tourists. Thus, the various touring lines and activities as well as the various marketing means are put forward. The characteristics and the developing ways of the tourist resources in Taklamakan Desert are also discussed so as to promote the development strategy of tourism in the desert.
Arid Zone Research
由中国科学院西部之光项目 ( 2 0 0 2 5 0 2 3 )
中国科学院知识创新重大项目 (KZCX1-0 8-0 1)资助