Popular literature show s up greater development and prosperity after the middle period in Ming Dynasty. Meanw hile,it truly comes to possess the essential connotations such as secularity,commercial and epidemicity. In these point,the popular literature has made remarkable effect in linking up the great tradition and small tradition, gathering collective memory,spreading and educating general concepts, along as strengthening social identity. This reaction of popular literature in Ming Dynasty show s it’s influence mainly by impact on the general social religion life,especially the establishment of the Gods System. Numerous popular literature w orks have not only developed and enriched the folk Pantheon,w hich means shaped significant folk Gods,but also made collation and innovation in the Taoist Gods system, w hich is regarded as the original so called institutional religion. Masterpieces of popular literature, such as the Journey to the West, the Investiture of the G ods, are all w ritten by the underclass litterateurs. In the background of literary imaginary, these authors have developed the Taoist Gods system in the w ay of argumentation by their ow n comprehension as w ell as the folk social reception and creation. This development has settled the basic pattern of the Chinese social commonreligious life in modern times along w ith the social lifelization of Taoism.
Zhao Yi;Chinese Classics School of Liberal Arts,Nanjing Univrsity
Daoist Gods
Journey to the West
Investiture of the Gods
reaction of popular literature