通过对金属资源保障程度与开发利用科技发展战略中的决策问题分析 ,确定解决决策问题所需的决策模型的类别和类型 ,并建立中国金属产业发展状况、各金属资源的开发利用情况的预测模型 ,金属产品产量对技术经济指标的敏感性分析模型 。
A series of decision models have to be set up for solving decision problems concerning the degree to which metal resources are to be preserved in China and the strategy of exploit and development of such resources. Through analysis of such decision problems, classes and types of the fore mentioned models has been determined, and specific models, including that of the development situation, prediction model of the exploit and use of the resources, models analyzing sensitivity of the mental products to the technical economic data, comprehensive evaluation model of the technical level of metal products and evaluation model of the overall technology level of the metal industry, have been introduced in this paper.
Systems Engineering
国家十五科技攻关计划资助项目 (2 0 0 1BA6 0 9A- 0 1)
国家自然科学基金委国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目(70 12 5 0 0 2 )