朱家山自然保护区位于贵州省黔南州瓮安县 ,1998年对保护区进行了综合考察。其生态评价为 :丰富的生物多样性 ;珍稀动植物的荟萃地 ;罕见的固体水库 ;泥沙及坡积物的潜在产出区 ;动植物区系的过渡区域 ;各演替阶段并存的森林群落 ;科研教学的理想场所。并对今后开发提出了建议。
Zhujiashan Nature Reserve is situated at Weng'an county, Qiannan prefecture of Guizhou province. In 1998, comprehensive scientific study was conducted and the following ecological assessment was worked out: rich biodiversity, distribution center of rare and endangered plants and animals, rare solid water reservoir, a potential source of gravel and sand, transitional areas of flora and fauna, plant communities of complete successive series and ideal site for scientific research and education. Some suggestions were proposed for the future development of Zhujiashan Nature Reserve.
Forest Inventory and Planning