在前人关于间接代理的研究的基础上,探讨不披露委托人身份的代理同隐名代理的区别,倡导以新 《合同法》中关于委托的规定作为切入点,实现中西代理法律制度的融合,提出对不披露委托人身份的代理 与诚信原则的分歧的处理,从而引出关于第三人撤消权增设的有关问题。
On the basis of previous conclusions about indirect agency, the article discusses the differences between agency by an undisclosed principal and an unnamed principal, advocates to merge national and foreign agency together from the point of the stipulation of entrust in Contract Law and puts forward a method to handle contradiction of agency for an undisclosed principal and Bona Fide Doctrine, from which it induces the correspondant problems about the addition of the right to the abortion of the third person.
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