In linguistic typology, a correlated implicational relation holds between VO-OV word order and a series of pairs of grammatical elements. The Branching Direction Theory (BDT) by Dryer makes a prediction about whether the pairs of grammatical elements correlate with VO-OV word order, but fails to expound why the order of verb and manner adverb correlates with VO-OV, while that of adjective and noun does not correlate with VO-OV. The Constitute Recognized Domain (CRD) and Principle of Early Immediate Constituents (EIC) proposed by Hawkins are not the essential factors in the correlation between the order of pairs of grammatical elements and VO-OV. This paper finds that, in the three dominant word orders of SOV, VSO, and SVO, although the Structural Harmony Principle contributes to the structural configuration of attribute or adjunct and their heads, it is not the only motivation. The interaction among the Structural Harmony Principle and other strategies of structurally optimal configuration such as Primary Predicate Prominence Rule, Semantic Adjacency Rule and Noun Phrase Integration Rule contribute together to the correlation and non-correlation of the structural configuration of modifiers and heads with VO-OV word order.
Journal of Japanese Language Study and Research