
修饰语与核心词结构配置的类型学诠释 被引量:4

A Typological Approach to the Structural Configuration of Modifiers and Heads
摘要 语言类型学中VO-OV语序与一系列语法参项组配存在相关蕴含关系,Dryer的"分支方向理论"对语法参项组配是否与VO-OV相关作了解释,但无法解释动词-方式副词组配的顺序与VO-OV相关而形容词-名词组配的顺序与VO-OV不相关等问题,Hawkins的"成分识别域理论"和"直接成分及早识别原则"也不是决定相关语法组配与VO-OV之间有条件关系的必要条件。本文研究发现,在世界语言三种优势语序SOV、VSO、SVO中,结构和谐原则尽管在定语和状语与核心词的结构配置上起了驱动作用,但不是唯一动因,其与认知心理上的其它结构优化组配策略如主要谓语动词凸显规则、语义靠近规则以及名词短语整体化规则的互动导致了修饰语与核心词的结构配置与VO-OV语序相关或不相关。 In linguistic typology, a correlated implicational relation holds between VO-OV word order and a series of pairs of grammatical elements. The Branching Direction Theory (BDT) by Dryer makes a prediction about whether the pairs of grammatical elements correlate with VO-OV word order, but fails to expound why the order of verb and manner adverb correlates with VO-OV, while that of adjective and noun does not correlate with VO-OV. The Constitute Recognized Domain (CRD) and Principle of Early Immediate Constituents (EIC) proposed by Hawkins are not the essential factors in the correlation between the order of pairs of grammatical elements and VO-OV. This paper finds that, in the three dominant word orders of SOV, VSO, and SVO, although the Structural Harmony Principle contributes to the structural configuration of attribute or adjunct and their heads, it is not the only motivation. The interaction among the Structural Harmony Principle and other strategies of structurally optimal configuration such as Primary Predicate Prominence Rule, Semantic Adjacency Rule and Noun Phrase Integration Rule contribute together to the correlation and non-correlation of the structural configuration of modifiers and heads with VO-OV word order.
出处 《日语学习与研究》 2014年第5期13-19,共7页 Journal of Japanese Language Study and Research
关键词 VO-OV语序 修饰语 核心词 结构优化组配 VO-OV word order modifier head structurally optimal configuration
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