在中厚板生产过程控制中 ,基于物理机理和数学方程的常规轧制规程计算模型存在着适用范围受限、调整困难、无法利用成熟操作经验等问题。本文探讨将信息科学中的一些新的技术和方法引入轧制规程计算模型的可能性。利用基于案例推理方法和知识发现技术的信息处理机制以及各种有效的数据 ,构成一种具有知识和经验内涵的自适应规程计算模型 ,使其便于建模和调整 。
A improved method is developed to model and adjust conveniently by making use of some new methods and techniques of information science: case-based reasoning and knowledge discovery in database with respect to deficiencies of conventional modeling by mechanism and equation: limited applicability, difficult adjusting and incapable of utilizing mature experiences. As result of adopting the mechanism of information processing and effective data, this model features in its self-adaptation combining knowledge and experiences and can generate a proper rolling schedule according with the practical demand better.
Wide and Heavy Plate