

Research of IP Technology Development and Address Mobility
摘要 随着互联网技术和IP网络的不断发展,传统IP技术面临着诸多新的要求和难以解决的问题,使得IPv4技术中原先所存在的缺点与不足逐渐暴露了出来。首先分析了IPv4地址扩展的必要性,对IPv6的组网模式进行了思考,提出自己的建议和观点,并对IPv4和IPv6间的互通问题进行了分析与研究;然后研究了IP地址的移动性,介绍了MIPv6和LIN6,给出了二者的原理和主要工作机理,分析与比较了二者的性能。 With the development of Internet and new technologies, some problems emerged, such as the shortages of IPv4. The paper first analyzes the necessity of migration from IPv4 to IPv6, and then discusses the network construction. The paper also studies the in-terworking between IPv4 and IPv6, address mobility, analyzes and compares MIPv6 and LIN6.
出处 《现代电信科技》 2003年第8期5-9,共5页 Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications
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