
基于倒谱和小波变换的驱动桥故障特征提取 被引量:5

Drive-shaft′s Trouble Character Collection Based on Cepstrum and Wavelets
摘要 给出了一种驱动桥故障特征提取的方法 ,即无论驱动桥处于工作时的动态 ,还是非工作时的静态 (采用锤击制造源信号 ) ,所提取的信号都经过离散小波消噪处理 ,和小波包分解。对工作时的动态 ,需再用倒谱变换方法进行特征提取。此方法成功地解决了特征提取环境与工作环境不一致及动、静态故障特征提取方法差异过大的矛盾。用此方法提取的神经网络训练样本 ,会提高系统辨识的精确性。 A kind method of rare-shaft trouble character collected was given, that is whether rear axle is working or not, all signals were handled by discrete wavelets and decomposed by wavelet packets. When rare-shaft is working, character will be gotten by cepstrum. This method is succeed to resolve a environmental contradiction of character collection and working no-fitting. It also resolve a contradiction of difficulty to get trouble character of moving and stationary. The training models of getting by this method can rise up distinguishable accuracy of system.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 2003年第8期580-582,共3页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 9835 0 5 0 )
关键词 驱动桥 故障特征提取 倒谱 小波变换 时频域处理 rear axle wavelet analysis cepstrum trouble character character collection
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