近年来 ,随着种植结构的改革 ,对外交往频繁 ,广东地区桔小实蝇发生严重 ,发生量是过去的数倍至数十倍。部分杨桃、番石榴等果树因为害严重而失收。为此我们开展了桔小实蝇发生规律调查、监测和综合防治措施的研究。结果表明 :桔小实蝇在广州地区有二个高峰期 6月和 8月份。通过诱杀去雄 ,适时喷药 ,养鸡除虫 ,套袋、拾烂果等综合防治措施 ,二年来使三个试验地的虫口密度大幅下降 ,在 2 0 0 2年 7月桔小实蝇为害高峰期 ,马来西亚大果杨桃为害率为 1 7- 5 5 % ,对照区为 94% ,本地种的小果杨桃为害率为 2 3- 35 2 % ,对照为74 5 % ,取得了较好的防治效果 ,初步扭转了杨桃近年来基本失收的局面。
With the reforming planfing system and the increasing of foreign trade, the oriental fruit fly Bactrocea dorsalis, Hendel has become a serious insect pest in Guangzhou since record. The oriental fruit fly is the most important insect pest of commercial fruilts such as carambola, guava and mango et al,its occurrence in Guangzhou should be paid the most efforts to its control. Research work has been conducted on the population dynamic, integrated control strategies in carambola orchard. Results showed that the oriental fruit fly population characterized with the two high peaks, one in June, and another in August in Guangzhou area . Sixty traps per hectare have been set using poisoned methyl eugenol as a bait to attract and kill the male . Based on the density of monitoring population, suitable control strategies were suggested to control the pest by using insecticide before the population high peak, breeding chicken in the carambola orchard to feed on the pupae and larvae. using bagging to protect the fruits. The field tests were carried out in three carambola orchards situated in Guangzhou suburban area from the year2001 to 2002. The results showed that the damage rate of malaysia species of carambola was 1.7-5.5% , and local species of carambola was 23-35.2% respectively in control orchard. In those without control , the damage rate of malaysia species of carambola was 94%, local species of carambola was 74.5%.
Natural Enemies of Insects
广州市科技项目 ( 2 0 0 1 -z- 0 5 3- 0 1 )
广东省农业攻关项目 2 0 0 2B2 1 60 2 0 1
Bactroera dorsalis
population dynamic
integrated control