
基于小生境技术的多样性抗体生成算法 被引量:12

An Algorithm for Generating Diverse Antibody Based on Niche Technology
摘要 新的入侵方法以及网络计算环境的不断变化 ,使得入侵越来越难以防范 .因此应用人体免疫机制构建下一代入侵检测系统成为一个新的研究热点 .本文采用一种新的抗原 -抗体编码方法 ,并在此基础上 ,提出一种基于共享函数的小生境遗传算法 ,用来产生多样性的抗体基因 ,最后给出多样性评价函数以验证算法的有效性 .实验结果表明 :该算法能够使抗体在演化过程中保持较好的多样性 . The ever rising complexity of operating system and communication networks has resulted in increased difficulty in detecting intrusions.So applying immune mechanism of human body to construct next generation intrusion detection becomes a new research focus.This paper presents a novel method to encode the antibody antigen.And An generic algorithm based on niche technology of share function for generating diverse antibody is provided.In order to verify the validity of the algorithm,two evaluation function are suggested.The experimental results reveal that the algorithm has much to offer to keep population's diversity during evolution.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第8期1130-1133,共4页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金 (No .699830 0 5No .60 1 32 0 30 ) 国家教育部博士点基金 (No .RFDP1 9990 4 860 2 )
关键词 免疫系统 抗原-抗体 小生境 多样性 immune system antigen antibody niche diversity
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