

Matrix-view of Association Rules Generated by a Maximal Frequent Itemsets
摘要 文章研究了两个基本的关联规则推导关系,在此基础上建立了最大频繁集的关联规则矩阵视图,把一个频繁集生成的所有规则全部展现在一个矩阵中,并通过研究矩阵中的各规则元素的关系,得到一个频繁集或规则矩阵的基集和核(即最小规则集),可以从大型事务数据库生成的大量关联规则中挖掘出最小规则集和有用户感兴趣的规则。 Firstly,two basic inference on association rules is put ,on which matrix-view of association rules generated by a maximal frequent itemsets is based.Using the matrix-view,all association rules generated by a maximal frequent item-sets is described in a matrix,and deducing relation between association rules and base or core of association rules is easily obtained through the matrix-view.The work is significant for finding the interesting and minimal rules.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第24期1-4,36,共5页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然基金资助(编号:79870009) 教育部博士点基金的资助(编号:2000000601)
关键词 关联规则 数据挖掘 二次挖掘 算法 最大频繁集 矩阵视图 事务数据库 Association rules,Data mining,The second mining,Algorithm
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