In recent years,supported by Web Mapping technology,more and more spatial information is available on the Internet including topography-based map data,satellite images,aerial photos and even some metadata etc.But for the end users it is extraordinarily difficult to get access to what they want due to the universal distributing and out-of-order development of spatial information.In this paper we discuss the priciple of automatic search for online spatial information,which has been become an important content of study in Spatial Information Share with the purpose of helping the end users to search the World Wide Web for geographic information conveniently,quickly and transparently.We investigate the architecture of the General Purpose Search Engines(GPSE),such as Alta Vista,Google,Infoseek and so on,and the mechanism of Web Mapping Systems ,which are the main type of geographical information providers on the web.After comparing general web information retrieval and online spatial information retrieval,we point out their main differences and argue that the support of Web Mapping System is absolutely necessarily to fulfill automatic online spatial information search.And based on this result,we conclude that the standardization of Web Mapping Systems is the primary task that should be accomplished.At the end we suggest the great difficulties that need to be solved and propose the research content in detail.
Computer Engineering and Applications