分别取来自普通栽培种(S.tuberosum)的两个一倍体品系和两个双单倍体品系的茎段和叶片,用两步法进行组织培养来加倍其体细胞染色体数目。在以MS+2.25mg/1 BAP+5mg/1 NAA 为第一步的培养基上,从一倍体和双单倍体的茎段和叶片中获得了许多再生植株,其中约60%的加倍成植株(2n=2x=24或2n=4x=48),此结果表明此法是把单单倍体(以下简称一倍体)和双单倍体转化为纯合同源四倍体的有效方法。
Two monohaploid clones and two dihaploid clones derived from Solanum tuberosum
were tested for doubling of their chromosome number by placing leaf pieces and stem seg-
ments on media in two steps.More regenerated plants were produced from both
monohaploid and dihaploid leaf and stem segments on medium containing MS+2.25 mg/l
BAP+5 mg/l NAA in first step.The percentage of doubled plants(2n=2x=24 or
2n=4x=48)was about 60% in both monohaploid and dihaploid regeneration plants.This
result suggests that it is a useful method to convert monohaploid and dihaploid into
homozygous tetraploid potatoes.
Chinese Potato Journal