In this paper, the main parameters for processing fryed potato slices, the rate of end products of 29 cultivars and the cultivars suitable for the process of fryed potato slices were studied. The results showed:① The suitablc thickness of fresh tuber slice was 1.00~1.25mm, the oil tenperature was about 160℃ and the fryimg time was about 2 min; ② According to 29 cultivars tested, the rate of fresh tubers cut into slices was 67.5%~93.3%, the rate of fryed slices was 26.7%~35.7% and the rate of end products was 20.69%~32.84%; ③ The cultivars suitable for the process of the fryed potato slices were Norchip, Barakaand Neishu3.
Chinese Potato Journal