选取2000年6月—2001年5月珠海空气中PM10的观测数据,分析其在3个监测点(香洲、前山和吉大)的时空演变特征。结果表明,珠海PM10的年均质量浓度为40μg m3(校正后为52μg m3),低于国家PM10的二级质量标准,与国内外其他城市相比,珠海PM10相对较低,表明珠海的大气颗粒物污染轻微。2001年4月14,15日珠海PM10日均值显著增高,达到92,127μg m3,对比香港及北方粉尘源区的颗粒物浓度及气团轨迹分析结果可知,珠海也受到了北方沙尘暴的影响。3个站点的PM10月均质量浓度变化主要表现为夏、秋季低,冬、春季高。珠海市大气PM10的日变化形式以白天高、夜晚低为主。
Observational data of atmospheric PM10 in Zhuhai city from June 2000 to May 2001 was chosen to analyze the spatial and temporal variation characteristic of PM10 in 3 monitoring stations (Xiangzhou,Qianshan and Jida).It was shown that the annual average PM10 concentration was 40 μg/m\+3 (the corrected mass concentration is 52 μg/m\+3),which did not exceed the Class II category of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards in China.Compared with other cities in the world,the atmospheric PM10 pollution in Zhuhai is slighter.The daily PM10 concentrations monitored in Zhuhai reached the peak values,being 92 and 127 μg/m\+3 on April 14 and 15,2001 respectively.In comparison with the particulate matter concentrations of Hong Kong(nearby) and Yulin station (at the Asian Dust Source Regions),the high PM10 values occurred at Zhuhai and Hong Kong in\|phase.This as well as the results of trajectory analysis implied that Northern China dust storms were transported to Zhuhai.The monthly concentrations of PM10 at three stations are at low level in the summer and fall periods and at high level in the winter and spring periods.The daily PM10 concentration is mostly high in the daytime and low at night.
Research of Environmental Sciences