
广西中心城市流动人口特征及若干对策 被引量:1

The Characteristic of the Floating Population in Guangxi Central Cities and Its Countermeasures
摘要 流动人口作为一种特定的社会经济现象 ,近年来已引起学术理论界及政府管理部门的高度重视。进入20世纪90年代以来 ,广西中心城市流动人口大幅增加。 As a specific social economic phenomenon,floating population has highly aroused the great attention of academic circles and government management development these years. Since the 1990's, the floating population in Guangxi central cities has increased greatly. This paper analyses the basic characteristic of the floating population in Guangxi central cities and puts forward several countermeasures.
机构地区 广西区委党校
出处 《桂海论丛》 2003年第3期39-42,共4页 Guihai Tribune
关键词 广西 城市 流动人口 特征 管理体制 Guangxi central cities floating population
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  • 1黄润龙,杨来胜.我国流动人口基本态势研究[J].西北人口,2000,21(4):47-51. 被引量:22
  • 2李程伟.北京市的流动人口管理:成绩、问题及对策[J].北京行政学院学报,2001(1):40-44. 被引量:9
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  • 5Diaz RM,Ayla G,Bein E,Henne J,Matin B V.The impact of homophobia,poverty,and racism on the mental health of gay and bisexual Latino men:Finding from 3 US cities.American Journal of Public Health.2001(91):927—932.
  • 6Darmon N,Khlat M.An overview of the health status of migrants in France,in relation to their dietary practices.Public Health Nutr. 2001,4(2):163—172.
  • 7Pudaric S,Sundquist J,Johansson S E.Major risk factors for cardiovascular disease in elderly migrants in Sweden.Ethn Health,2000, 5(2):137—150.
  • 8Radloff L S.The CES-D scale:A serf-report depression scale for research in the general population.Applied Psychological Measurement,1977,1(3):385—401.
  • 9Chen X,Li X,Stanton B,Fang X,Lin D,Cole M,Liu H,Yang H.Cigarette smoking among rural—to-urban migrants in Beijing,China.Preventive Medicine,in press.
  • 10Zhang J,Cao J,Shi Y,Jiang S.A preliminary study of reproductive health of unmarried urban young people in China in the 1990s:a case study of reproductive health survey on 3034 unmarried young peopie in Beijing.Chinese Journal of Population Science,1996,8(3):281—293.



  • 1黄润龙,杨来胜.我国流动人口基本态势研究[J].西北人口,2000,21(4):47-51. 被引量:22
  • 2李程伟.北京市的流动人口管理:成绩、问题及对策[J].北京行政学院学报,2001(1):40-44. 被引量:9
  • 3Li X,Stanton B,Fang X,Lin D.Health outcomes and geographic mobility among young rural—to-urban migrants in China(Submitted for publication).
  • 4Tie P.Survey of risk factors among migrants.Disease Monitoring.1999,14(6):229—230.
  • 5Diaz RM,Ayla G,Bein E,Henne J,Matin B V.The impact of homophobia,poverty,and racism on the mental health of gay and bisexual Latino men:Finding from 3 US cities.American Journal of Public Health.2001(91):927—932.
  • 6Darmon N,Khlat M.An overview of the health status of migrants in France,in relation to their dietary practices.Public Health Nutr. 2001,4(2):163—172.
  • 7Pudaric S,Sundquist J,Johansson S E.Major risk factors for cardiovascular disease in elderly migrants in Sweden.Ethn Health,2000, 5(2):137—150.
  • 8Radloff L S.The CES-D scale:A serf-report depression scale for research in the general population.Applied Psychological Measurement,1977,1(3):385—401.
  • 9Chen X,Li X,Stanton B,Fang X,Lin D,Cole M,Liu H,Yang H.Cigarette smoking among rural—to-urban migrants in Beijing,China.Preventive Medicine,in press.
  • 10Zhang J,Cao J,Shi Y,Jiang S.A preliminary study of reproductive health of unmarried urban young people in China in the 1990s:a case study of reproductive health survey on 3034 unmarried young peopie in Beijing.Chinese Journal of Population Science,1996,8(3):281—293.










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