在反腐倡廉问题上 ,毛泽东取得了清正廉洁、执法如山、以法反腐、精兵简政、思想反腐、防患未然、民主反腐、专项反腐等成功经验。为新中国的诞生、巩固 ,作出了不可磨灭的巨大贡献。在改革开放的今天 ,我们要研究继承毛泽东反腐倡廉的成功经验 ,深入反腐 。
In fighting against corruption and proposing clearness and honesty, Mao Ze-dong has got successful experience in being clean and upright, upholding the law firmly, having a better staff and simpler administration, fighting against corruption in law, ideology and democracy and so on, which has made a great ever lasting contribution to the birth of new China and the success of today's reform and opening up. So long as we inherit the successful experiences of Mao Ze-dong and deepen the fight against corruption, we can avoid the terrible circle..
Guihai Tribune